Our Transport Services

Our mission is to create a heartwarming experience and foster lasting relationships with clients by creating an ideal environment for bonding and deep connections.
Our Transport Service

Principles we stand by:
  1. Personalized Service: by taking the time to understand each client's unique needs, preferences and circumstances. We are here to tailor your services down to specific requirements.  Making clients feel valued and understood.
  2. Excellent Communication: Our goal is to maintain open, clear and honest communication with clients throughout their journey using our services. Addressing any questions, concerns or feedback promptly and professionally.
  3. Going the Extra Mile: Striving to exceed expectations by providing unexpected delights or additional assistance whenever possible.
  4. Empathy and Understanding: We understand your challenges, we celebrate your success and offer support during difficult times.
  5. Building Trust: Establishing trust and credibility by consistently delivering high-quality service and demonstrating integrity in all interactions. Trust is the foundation of any meaningful relationship.
  6. Creating Memorable Experiences: Look for opportunities to create memorable experiences that go beyond the transactional aspect of your service.
  7. Seeking Feedback: Actively seeking feedback from clients to understand their experience with our services, which will identify areas for improvement.
  8. Long-term Relationship Building: Viewing each client interaction as the beginning of a long-term relationship rather than a one-time transaction.
  9. Gratitude and Appreciation: We express genuine gratitude and appreciation for your clients' trust and support. Informing clients know that we value their business and the opportunity to serve them.
By embracing these principles and practices, we are able to create heartwarming experiences towards our clients and develop meaningful, long-lasting relationships that extend beyond the transactional nature of your services.

To reach Assisted with Grace:
Click Here to Contact Us! Email us at assistedwithgracellc@gmail.com, or give us a call at 803-565-2764

Rates: Subject to change due to weight of individual, length of stay time, duration of appointments and in particular mileage of destination site.